S-76b, VG (not certified)
Very attractive overall color does cede in isolated highpoint areas to more recent reddish accents. Relatively smooth obverse texture mates to modest micro-porosity on the reverse, but neither side displays the slightest edge nick or surface damage to detract.
S-267, VF-30 (not certified)
S-276 Lg Fraction, Fine (not certified)
S-292, G-4 (not certified)
Virtually perfect surface quality.
N-14, MS-63 RB (not certified)
Abundant glimpses of mint orange color interplay with delicate lilac accents throughout both sides. Stars toward the right do not show full inner definition, nor does the hair bun, this being the typical case for N-10. Perhaps a carbon spot or two on the obverse are also inevitable for such a Randall hoard cent, but pleasing luster drives the overall eye-appeal.
N-10, MS-63 RB (not certified)
The obverse shows really minor carbon flecks, and a singular carbon spot can be seen on the reverse at 'T' for this very choice Randall hoard survivor. Prodigious luster roams the fields and energizes the 'look' that is so popular with type collectors.
N-9, MS-64 RB (not certified)
Impressive eye-appeal resonates with lovely orange and mahogany luster, and the reverse appears to be more than one-half red. A thin toning streak connects the obverse left rim to Liberty's nose.
N-2, Fine (not certified)
Minor surface roughness
Lg Dt, Good (not certified)
N-11.b, Md Lt, VG-8 (not certified)
N-14, Med Lt, MS-66 BN (not certified)
N-9a, Fine (not certified)
N-7, AU-55 (not certified)
VF-30 (not certified)
VF/cleaned (not certified)
EF-40 (not certified)
EF (not certified)